Human Mart

A striking activation to raise awareness of an unfortunate reality.

With Anti-slavery Australia

Shortlist: Design

Shortlist: Art Direction
Shortlist: Spacial Design

‘Human Mart’ Case Study


Slavery still exists, right here in Australia.

Didn’t know? Most people don’t. So we decided to get the message out through a unique brand experience to put Anti-slavery Australia into the public eye.

Invite the community to help put modern slavery in the past


Slavery in Australia: Hard to believe. Even harder to spot.

The Human Mart presents a simple metaphor with a sobering message: human beings are being bought and sold callously, like products.

And most of the time, this is happening right under our noses.

So, on the busy Oxford Street in Sydney, we designed and launched an invitingly bright store with a very dark secret.

A world-first store selling humans, designed to spark community discussion and create a media storm.


The devil is in the detail

By honing the alluring aesthetic and using engaging copy, we told over 70 harrowing stories of modern slavery victims hidden within plain sight on these bright and innocent looking products and posters.

The products have since been kept as a permanent exhibition at the Museum of UTS, Sydney.