Make Awkward Awesome

A campaign to encourage parents to get awkward… [crickets].

With The Pinnacle Foundation


Get awkward.
Move forward.

43% of LGBTQIA+ youth are rejected by their parents when they come out, and many subsequently have to leave home and drop out of their education. The Pinnacle Foundation provides scholarships, mentoring and opportunities for young LGBTQIA+ Australians to stay in education and realise their full potential.

But, to get upstream of the problem and perhaps even avoid these heartbreaking situations altogether, there’s one first step we can all take: having conversations that create an environment of acceptance for those around us.

The campaign is designed to motivate parents to make the first move around this sensitive topic, and create a safe space for their (potentially) LGBTQIA+ kids, rather than leaving the pressure of ‘coming out’ with young people.

‘Make Awkward Awesome: Mum’ TVC

‘Make Awkward Awesome: Dad’ TVC